Do you know someone who wears dentures? Dental implants offer Chicago residents something dentures cannot: An anchor.
Over time, the gum ridge supporting a denture plate shrinks due to lack of tissue and bone stimulation beneath the surface, allowing dentures to “float”. Even with denture adhesive, embarrassment can still accompany you at social gatherings. A hot cup of coffee may be enough to make a melted mess of the adhesive in your mouth. A delicious dessert sometimes will be tainted by the flavor of glue. Excusing yourself to reapply adhesive in the W.C. isn’t something you’d like to do at a party, but how can this be avoided?
Dental implants offer a permanent stabilizing “root” in the form of a tiny titanium post that integrates into your jawbone. Even in cases where a lot of bone loss has already occurred, there is still a good chance dental implants can work.
For some, having installed select implants is enough in itself to securely support a partial or denture plate. How can you know if you qualify for dental implants?
The Chicago Center for Cosmetic and Implant Dentistry has Dr. Jackson, an experienced professional able to run a series of qualifying tests to determine if you are a suitable candidate.
Arrange for your consult today and leave behind the discomfort and social embarrassment of ill-fitting dentures. Dental implants for Chicago patients are the wave of the future for a good reason!