A root dies; a tooth dies. A void has been created not only above the surface, but also below. Implant dentistry offers Chicago residents an opportunity to fill that vacancy before it collapses and melts away.
Yes, a tooth’s root system travels from your jawbone, through layers of tissue, until it reaches the surface. When it dies, your body begins to reabsorb that disused support system. The ridge of gum in your mouth will begin to shrink away, as will part of your jawbone. What can be done?
Dental implants are as close to a natural root and tooth system as you can get. Your body recognizes this amazing technology as something it can work with. A titanium post placed in your jawbone to act as a root-like anchor for your new “tooth” stimulates bone growth production. Once your bone has grafted with the post, the surrounding tissues recognize their supporting purpose and maintain their function.
Instead of bone and tissue “melting away”, healthy growth continues. Therefore, your facial structure has no reason to “cave in” or alter. Another bonus is a highly functional crown can now be secured atop the titanium post to give you a beautiful, durable tooth that blends naturally amongst the others!
Consult with Dr. Jackson today and learn more about this amazing advancement in cosmetic dentistry for Chicago area residents!